We Recommend

There are a few organizations that we recommend and perhaps have a special relationship. Feel free to contact them directly about their services. If you have a question or two or would like to discuss similar services, please contact me.

There is a good reason for us to recommend these products and services. To our knowledge, they include the best available in the world today – worthy of your time and consideration. However, you are big boys and girls, you know how the world works so please practise due diligence. We take no responsiblity for outside products or services.

Cash on Time:

In real estate, they say the most important word is ‘location’. In collections, it is ‘timing’.

We can help and would love to show you a demo to reduce your DSO, improve customer relations, have reporting at your fingertips and manage the collection process – all with an investment that will be positive after the first year!

Please call Tim to talk further: (416) 691-2648


Kingston Data & Credit:

A third-party collection agency that will be a superb extension of your collection department. I have had the pleasure of meeting their COO Blair Wettlaufer and have visited their head office in Cambridge Ontario. They have a philosophy, it appears to me, of treating the debtors as someone you ‘can’ work with without raising your voice or being rude.  They are members of the credit bureau (Trans Union Services) and the Receivables Management Association of Canada.