TR Paulsen & Associates has brought light to our Collection & Recovery. Tim and the team has made collection job less daunting by providing the right collection tools and processes in place. I have never seen anyone bringing in so much energy and excitement to Collection. Most importantly however is the debt philosophy that has been established that made the Management, Collection Team and other related departments more aligned and focused. A great and enjoyable experience throughout the project.
“Are you FULLY satisfied with your Accounts Receivable Operation?”
After spending some time in your Accounts Receivable department, we will present a report that often covers the following:
- Improved cash flow by getting the highest value from your collection
agents and legal firms - Collection officer and management training recommendations.
- Professional accounts receivable training, tailored, delivered and improved.
- Effective policies and procedures for debt management.
- Productivity system enhancements.
- Elimination of non-productive procedures.
- Revised collection letters and notices.
- Training for your trainers.
There is no charge for initial consultations and our services are offered world-wide.
Please contact us to begin discussions or for further information.
Most people, if you ask them the objective of collections will say ‘it is to collect the money’.
We disagree.
Collecting the money is what we do but the objective of ‘professional collections’ is to keep your customers.
If you do nothing or are too soft in your approach, customers may end up owing you a lot and taking their business elsewhere. If your approach is too aggressive, you may collect the money – but lose future business.
I’ve been through a lot of college and high-school yearbooks and I’ve yet to find under anyone’s picture ‘I want to be a bill collector when I get out of school’. We all fall into the job in one way or another.
All of our programs and materials have been designed to help you you collect more oney…faster than you do now AND still keep your customers!
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Please give us a call at (416) 691-2648 or send an email.