CCAT – Collection Certification and Training

Five modules on subjects like the Collection Call and Overcoming Excuses. A must for the new collector, a great product to sharpen the skills of those more experienced.
The Magnificent Seven
Some great books on collection techniques

All available to download
Titles include the following:
- Paid In Full
- How Would Confucius Collect a Past-Due Invoice?
- The Reluctant Collector
- Panic Instructions
- The Mentorship (this one is free)
The Excuse Terminator

A software program designed to help you overcome any and all excuses for non or delayed payment.
Easy to edit and tailor to you and your organization.
If you are ever looking for an informative, engaging (best story teller in the game) and thought provoking speaker for your A/R & collections team, Tim Paulsen is the person you’re looking for.
Level up your team as we head into an economic downturn and they’ll thank you for bringing him in.
I have never seen anyone bring in so much energy and excitement to collection.
I have operated in this field for more than 12 years thru many accreditation courses, workshops and sessions…I found it rare to see someone with your caliber in terms of professionalism and dedication.