
Topics for seminars and keynotes. 


SMART Collection Techniques:

S – Save money and customers
M – Manage your time and yourself
A – Adapt from the best resources and experts
R – Raise the bar for your organization
T – Training never stops – ever

Topics range from recognizing the standards of the profession to writing an effective email and letter, making a successful collection call and overcoming excuses for non or delayed payment.


Keynote based on Tim’s book,

“Sex, Lies & Negotiation Techniques”


  • Make better decisions when you are able to discern lies from the truth
  • Highlights of the very best negotiation techniques for Accounts Receivable
  • Not much about sex. (Tim’s wife said, ‘Stick with something you know.’

“But, I don’t have time for a nervous breakdown”

A special keynote on the Management of Stress & Time with Tim Paulsen as Dr. William (Bill) Pashdew. Special appearance by dread nurse Ruby Flatulence.

The good doctor will share some tips on how to get more out of work as well as life in this ‘mostly’ just for fun program. Bring your dancing shoes. The Doc and dread nurse Ruby have been known to bring theirs.



The golden rule is a good one to follow, yet Platinum is worth more than gold. Find out in this keynote or seminar, how the Platinum Negotiation Techniques can work for you.



Excuses – nothing but!

A keynote or half day seminar on how to recognize and overcome excuses.




 The Reluctant Collector

‘I thought I was hired to sell?”

How to be a success in Accounts Receivable, when it isn’t your job.

Keynote to a two -hour program for Sales, Customer Service and others who may be called upon via ODAR (Other Duties as Required) to call, negotiate, prod…customers who have not paid.


image of dracula with pen

How to write effective email.

The best written email does not matter if it is not read. We teach the Dracula method to better ensure our emails are first read and then acted upon.




Customer Service

Keynote or half day program. We’re all for charm and a smile helps, but Customer Service is much more.