Who will benefit most from this program?
This seminar, of about six instructional hours, is designed for those who are just starting or relatively new to the profession of accounts receivable.
If you are looking for a program for a team with a lot of experience, please visit this page.
Improve the discipline, knowledge, confidence and most importantly,
the performance of your Accounts Receivable Team.
Every program is tailored to the needs of the client.

Many clients want to learn how to:
- Be assertive without being too aggressive
- Write letters and email that motivate your customers to pay
- Develop a ‘special voice’ to be used on the telephone, one that is more compelling and easier to understand
- Master the three phases of an effective collection call
- Overcome nearly any excuse your customer may give for non or delayed payment of an invoice or an account
- Work with the sales team
- Use twenty key negotiation techniques, selected and honed specifically for effectiveness in dealing with delinquent customers
- Handle…and collect from the customer who is irate and aggressive
- Tailor your approach to specific debt and types of customers
You delivered a very dynamic, comprehensive collection-specific seminar. Our team continues to use the many techniques provided in your presentation. Your program was a real win for our collection team!
I am interested in discussing how the SMART Program will help my team.