Turning a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’. 

Do you like being rejected? Didn’t think so. I expect you would say no, and perhaps add, ‘Who does?’.

Well, Jia Jiang does, or at least he has established a company and made quite the career out of the benefits of being rejected. Looking to improve himself, Jia came across RejectionTherapy.com developed by Jason Comely, a Canadian. It worked so well for Jia that he bought the concept, wrote a book, delivered a great Ted Talk and much more.

Whether it is asking someone out on a date, a raise, a lower (or higher) price for an item being bought or sold, or of course in our case, a debt to be paid, we can all agree we don’t get as much out of life as we want because we just don’t want to hear ‘no’ and be rejected.

But, suppose your objective was to be rejected? Different story, eh? What happens when you search for rejection? You don’t run, you stay engaged and with the magic word ‘why’, discover that what may have been initial and even violent rejections can be turned into a yes.

What’s the game? A set of cards containing different tasks, ranging from ‘asking your boss for a raise’ to ‘smile at every person you walk past today’, designed to thicken your skin and build your rejection muscle. In some ways, it is similar to the philosophy expressed by some of the best negotiators, if you’re not hearing ‘no’, very often, you’re not getting near your potential.

You can find more details, including a great Ted Talk on the subject by visiting the site: www.rejectiontherapy.com

Would you like to buy my latest book, “The Reluctant Collector”, available in a PDF format, special for only $10 until March 9?

If yes, please email. If not, that’s okay, I’ve just proven a point about rejection.

Why reject me on-line when you can do so in person? I’ll be in Winnipeg, Vancouver and Kuala Lumpur in March. If you want more information, please let me know




We all learn lessons in life. Some stick, some don’t. I have always learned more from rejection and failure than from acceptance and success.
   Henry Rollins