Looking for a great book to improve collection techniques?
This very popular book on effective techniques for accounts receivable management is available in hard copy and digital format.
Chapters include:
- The ‘real’ objective of collections (most people get it wrong)
- How to write commanding letters and email
- Master the telephone collection call
- Working with sales
- Negotiation Techniques
- Time Management for collections
- Dealing with an irate/upset customer
- How to develop a special collection voice
…and more
Only $19.95 plus $5.00 shipping in Canada and The United States.
Paulsen raises the mundane, often thankless job of credit collector to the level of a profession. This book contains numerous tips and strategies to help a new collector become expert in a couple of hours. How did the Sheriff of Nottingham ever manage to collect from those wiley serfs and villains without having Tim Paulsen’s book handy?