They liked me…they really liked me!
Thank you for speaking to our members today. I received a lot of great feedback and as you heard, members considered “SMART Collections” the best seminar that they’ve attended to date. It was very informative, interactive, and fun!
I want to thank you for a terrific seminar filled with new ideas and tips that will be utilized immediately. I have been doing this type work for almost 30 years, and I can honestly say this was one of the few seminars where I left feeling energized with new techniques that could provide positive results. I found the entire day engaging and fun, while at the same time informative. I am very glad that I attended.
Tim is an excellent speaker who utilized group and individual activities in his seminar. Personally, I would highly recommend Tim Paulsen if your business or organization is looking for a seminar speaker.
Thanks for the powerful tune-up for my collection career, your specific tips and tactics translated into bottom-line results for my year-end goals. I enjoyed your seminar to the very last minute!!!
I have invited many trainers for my programs in Indonesia, Tim Paulsen is one of the best! The delegates are very happy. Tim’s humor
and depth understanding about the collection strategies makes the training class lively and knowledge packed program. His book “Paid in Full” is a must read for all credit and collection people. I strongly recommend Tim for Collection Strategies Training and Negotiation Class Training. It’s worth the money!
You delivered a very dynamic, comprehensive collection-specific seminar. Our team continues to use the many techniques provided in your presentation. Your program was a real win for our collection team!
Any seminar presentation by Tim Paulsen is a “must attend”. Whether you have been in the business a short or long time, Mr. Paulsen will entertain, enlighten and educate you no matter what the subject.
Your seminars are unique, educational, and always fresh
Our collectors were amazed at the unique spin you placed on the age old problem – collections, that we all know never goes away; with a style that invites attention through participation.
A master of public speaking with a clean & cunning sense of Ha Ha!Terrie Ann Meikle, WDDC – Edmonton Client List – T. R. Paulsen & Associates:
A.C.F. Property Management
Agra Earth & Environmental
Air Canada
Alberta Provincial Treasury Department
American Management Association
Austin Energy
Bahamas Telecom Co.
Baxter Medical Center
Bayer Inc
Beaver Lumber
Bell Canada
Beeper People (The)
Blue Cross (Liberty Health)
Boston Globe
Boyd Group of Companies
British Columbia Hospital Association
Canada Post
Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Philippines)
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Canadian Management Centre
Canadian Motion Picture Credit Association
C.N. (Canadian National Railway)
Canadian Tire Corporation
Cebu Chamber of Commerce (Philippines)
C.E.M. (Mumbai, India)
City of Scarborough
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Clarke Transport
Compaq Canada
Consumers Gas
Cooper Automotive Products
Courts Jamaica Ltd
Credit Institute – South West Ontario Chapter
Credit Union Central of British Columbia
Credit Union Central of Ontario
D.T.E. (Detroit Energy)
Dun & Bradstreet
Enbridge Consumers Gas
Ericsson Communications
Etobicoke Hydro
Flanagan Food Group
Franklin Mint
Future Executive Personell Ltd.
General Motors Of Canada
Goldwell Cosmetics
Hartford Insurance
Headache & Pain Relief Centre
Health Management ResourcesHorizon Propane
Hudsons Bay Company
Hydro Ottawa
Hydro Mississauga
I.C.C.A.(Independent Computer Consultants Association
Irving Oil Ltd.
Jamaica Cable & Wireless
Kellogg’s Canada
Knowledge Navigators
Laurentian Bank
Lucent Technologies
MacDill Federal Credit Union
Maple Leaf Environmental
Marley Engineered Products
Maxis (Malaysia)
N.A.C.M. – Hawaii, Toronto
National Credit News
NEBS Business Products
New Brunswick Power
N B. Tel
Northwest Public Power Association
Northwest Territories Power Corp
Niagara Credit Union
NT Services (NeTeller)
Ontario Hydro
Petro Canada
Price Costco
Provincial Government of Ontario
Purolator Courier
Republic Leasing
RJA Group Inc
Rogers Cantel
Sandvik Canada Inc
Scottsdale Insurance Co.
Sears Canada
Sick Children’s Hospital (Toronto & Ottawa)
St. Catharines Hydro-Electric
Student Loan Finance Association
Surrey Metro Credit Union
Texas Credit Union League
Toronto Dominion Bank
Toronto Hydro
Toronto Sun
Transcontinental Printing
VA Medical Center, West Palm Beach
Veridan Energy
V.F.C. Inc
Windsor Public Utilities
Willson International