by timotr | Aug 6, 2019 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Keynote, Tips & Techniques
The Marty McFly Method Back to the Future? In my latest program, “Zen and the Art of Accounts Receivable Management”, I named one of the techniques after the main character in the film, ‘Back to the Future’. Some of you have made hundreds of collection calls and I...
by timotr | Mar 14, 2019 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, online training, Tips & Techniques
Cheating for Fun and Profit! All parents want the best for their kids. But, in what I can only hope is a classic ‘do as I say, not as I do’, a number of parents figuring the best for their kids was to be accepted into an Ivy League college, were involved in a...
by timotr | Feb 26, 2019 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, In-house training, Public Seminars, Tips & Techniques
Turning a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’. Do you like being rejected? Didn’t think so. I expect you would say no, and perhaps add, ‘Who does?’.Well, Jia Jiang does, or at least he has established a company and made quite the career out of the benefits of...
by timotr | Jan 4, 2019 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training, Tips & Techniques
Collectors Needed – Joggers Only Need Apply!Let’s face it, most people and organizations don’t want to pay. At the very least, they don’t want to pay on time. There are people in Accounts Payable (the dark side) who may be rewarded for their cash management...
by timotr | Nov 19, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training, online training, Tips & Techniques
“You can take that invoice and you shove it where…,”. After being very specific about the final resting place for the invoice, small business owner Oscar Reese added a comment that questioned the legality of the collector’s parents. The telephone call between Oscar...
by timotr | Oct 24, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, In-house training, Tips & Techniques
Oh…Canada! On October 17, Canada became the second country in the world (after Uruguay) to legalize the production, sale and consumption of Marijuana. In addition to the obvious product, there is a lot of creativity involved in newer merchandise – it is much...