by timotr | Feb 26, 2020 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, In-house training, Keynote
You’re Pitching, Nobody’s Catching! It isn’t easy these days, trying to get your message across to a delinquent customer. It is like trying to deliver a crafted elevator pitch when everyone is on their cell phone. For anyone not familiar with the term, an...
by timotr | Nov 20, 2019 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, In-house training, Keynote
The Devil You Know! It is not caused by the economy. It isn’t additional laws, savvy debtors or too many lawyers with nothing better to do. It is not a change in ethics or morals with a new generation. Your lack of success in receivables management, long term...
by timotr | Aug 6, 2019 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Keynote, Tips & Techniques
The Marty McFly Method Back to the Future? In my latest program, “Zen and the Art of Accounts Receivable Management”, I named one of the techniques after the main character in the film, ‘Back to the Future’. Some of you have made hundreds of collection calls and I...