by timotr | Nov 19, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training, online training, Tips & Techniques
“You can take that invoice and you shove it where…,”. After being very specific about the final resting place for the invoice, small business owner Oscar Reese added a comment that questioned the legality of the collector’s parents. The telephone call between Oscar...
by timotr | Sep 24, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training
Last Summer, my wife and I discovered a British television series, “New Tricks” which dramatized the work of the UCOS (Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad). The group is led by Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman who must manage/supervise/herd and it seemed on...
by timotr | Jul 12, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training, online training, Public Seminars
The following is the latest chapter in a book, “How Would Confucius Collect A Past Due Invoice” How Would Sigmund Freud Collect a Past Due Invoice? We move from a receivables expert who threatened to tell his father to one who wants to know about your...
by timotr | Jan 26, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training, sales techniques
How to be wildly successful when your ‘other duties as required’ include accounts receivable. Allow me to present three reluctant collectors for your consideration: New Responsibilities for Sally “We’re making some changes,” Sally was informed when she sat...
by timotr | Jan 8, 2018 | Accounts Receivable Training, Collection Tips, Consulting, In-house training, Public Seminars
(Third chapter in the series “How Would Confucius Collect a Past Due Invoice, How Would Donald Trump?”) How would the Mafia collect a past due invoice? “As I was talking, I noticed him looking at me with more than just the usual eye contact. He kept...