If I knew then, what I know now!

  I’m sure that just like me, you’ve said this to yourself on quite a few occasions. Some years back, I had been introduced to a training method that should have been more successful. It involved giving a collector working for me a tape recorder (like I said, quite a...

Lessons from the Serengeti

In the National Park of the Serengeti in Africa, a wildebeest, gazelle or a buffalo, must outrun the fastest lion or cheetah to survive. On the other hand, to live, the predators need to be faster than the slowest of their prey. Mother Nature is a tough and...


Accounts receivable is challenging during the ‘best’ of times, what about the worst? When the going gets tough...the tough don't...

The Dublin 5ive

Last week in Dublin, I had the pleasure of speaking at the World Credit & Collection Conference. My topic was ‘The Five Mistakes Collection Professionals Never Make’. Are there more than five? Sure, but I only had thirty minutes and besides, the...